You are overdue for your Cervical Screening Test (“Pap smear”)
You are overdue for your Cervical Screening Test (“Pap smear”)
Our records indicate that you are now OVERDUE for your next Cervical screening test (like the old Pap smear – but better!) and we have sent you a SMS as a further reminder.
As you know, a Cervical screening test is the best way of detecting changes to the cervix before they turn into cancer or finding a cancer in the very early stages. It is an excellent way of maintaining good health, since delay in finding changes greatly increases the risk of dying of cancer of the cervix.
For more information on cervical screening, please go this page. It includes information on cervical screening, how to arrange an appointment .
Please ring the surgery on 9780 8900 to arrange an appointment. If there are other issues which you would like addressed at the same time, please ask the receptionists to arrange a double appointment. If you are not sure how long you will need, just ask.
If you have recently had a cervical screening test already, could you still please telephone and let us know approximately when this was, so that we can amend our records and update the reminder to the correct time.