
Wellness on Wellington is a private billing clinic.

Please read this policy carefully and feel free to ask reception for clarification of any aspect.

For a standard appointment – ( whether face to face or by telehealth) – our fee is $98.00. Medicare will rebate $ 42.85 leaving an out of pocket cost of $ 55.15.

For pensioners , health care card holders and children under 16 , we charge a reduced rate of $ 88.00 for a standard appointment, leaving an out of pocket gap of $ 45.15.

Bulk-billing is only available in very limited circumstances. Please see below.

Different fees apply for very brief visits, more complicated or longer ones and for procedures such a removing moles  and foreign bodies, stitching, plasters and so on.

Different fees also apply after 8.00pm, on weekends, for home visits and out of hours services and calls. Please ask reception for the fees for these appointment types.

We apologise for the complexity of this information – Medicare is a highly convoluted system (and the most amended piece of legislation in Australia apart from the Tax Act!). There are literally thousands of items in the Medicare schedule. A fee for the commonest items is on display near the front desk. We are happy to clarify any issues.

From July 1 st, 2022:

  1. NEW Patients:

All patients who are NEW to the clinic after 01/07/2022 are charged a private fee at all times. This will be reduced for children under 16, pensioners and health care card holders.

Please note that a first appointment is booked as a long appointment to allow for a proper understanding of your problem and health background. The fee for a long appointment is $ 171.00 (reduced rate $151.00) with a Medicare rebate of $ 82.90

Unfortunately, we have had a number of patients who make initial appointments and then fail to attend or cancel at the last moment. This is a huge imposition on our team and inconveniences many other patients who may find it difficult to make an appointment as we are so heavily booked. Because of this, you will be asked to pay a deposit of $ 40.00 at the time you make your first appointment. This will be deducted from your fee at the first visit or refunded if you cancel your appointment more than 4 hours before your appointment time.

2. Existing Patients:( those who have attended the clinic regularly before July 1st , 2022)

For most patients who have attended the clinic prior to July 1 st, 2022, our current fees apply.

We offer a reduced fee for those on pensions and health care cards. We also recognise that children (those under 16) are often ill, and it can be difficult to distinguish between serious illnesses and minor ones. Therefore, for these patients:

  • Standard appointments between the hours of 9.00 am and 12.45 pm Monday to Friday will be bulk billed.
  • Bulk-billing only applies between 9.00 am and 12.45 pm on weekdays for standard consultations (not procedures, home visits etc)
  • The reduced fee continues to apply for appointments at other times and for procedures, home visits etc.


Patients whose accounts are being billed directly to Medicare are asked to present their current health care and Medicare cards and then assign the Medicare rebate to the doctor consulted. Other patients are asked to pay their account in full at the time of the consultation.

We accept cash, cheques, credit cards and EFTPOS. We are able to lodge your claim for rebate on your behalf via Easyclaim. With your bank debit card your rebate can be deposited to your account in just minutes. Please advise Medicare of your banking details (BSB & account numbers) via their website (Note if you pay by credit card, you will receive your Medicare refund before payment on your card is due.)